Our Mission
The mission of The Botswana Society is to make Botswana better known both to itself and to the whole world. The Botswana Society is one of Botswana’s oldest, active, indigenous NGOs. Founded in 1968 two years after independence, The Botswana Society has established itself as a leading producer of knowledge on all things Botswana. The Botswana Society's publications are respected internationally, its public forums address issues of national importance, and recently The Botswana Society has positioned itself as a leading force in diversifying Botswana’s tourism sector to include cultural heritage. The Botswana Society operates the Cultural Heritage Tour of Gaborone (the nation’s capital) to educate residents and visitors alike, and it works with local communities to develop archaeological sites as tourist destinations.

Who we Are
The Botswana Society is a non-governmental body, founded in 1968, that advances knowledge of Botswana in all disciplines and on all aspects of the nation's cultural, scientific and environmental heritage.
Our Work
The Botswana Society reports, debates, collates, and disseminates the findings of recent research on Botswana. The Society publishes an annual journal, titled Botswana Notes & Records, and other publications, and holds lectures, workshops, and symposia on vital questions of national development.
The Botswana Society employs a full time Administrative Assistant for the day-to-day running of the office. An Executive Committee is elected each year at the Society's Annual General Meeting. The committee is generally comprised of professionals (including at least one accountant), academics, researchers, business leaders, and retired public officers. A Publications Sub-Committee appointed by the Executive Committee oversees the extensive publications program.