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Below is a collection of our selected publications. If you are interested in purchasing any publication listed please inquire further by clicking here.

A List of the Flowering Plants of Botswana
Compiled by J. E. Barnes & L. M. Turton. Amended by L. M. Turton & E. Kalake.
The names of all authenticated specimens in the three herbaria located in or near Gaborone are included in this list which was begun at the suggestion of the Royal Botanic Gardens, Kew, London, U.K. Contact if you wish to order

Botswana Live: An Exhibition of Art and Craft Work
Alec Campbell & Elizabeth Gron
This is the first comprehensive collection of our art and craft work ever to be exhibited outside of Botswana.
99912 60 22 6

Changing roles of Women in Botswana
Edited by Dr. E. Procek.
Various articles based largely upon accounts and perceptions drawn from the personal experiences of the contributors. The book was published in the hope that more women and men may find inspiration for their own lives and that the information may contribute to further discussion and finding solutions to some of the problems identified.
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Guide to Greater Gaborone
Alec Campbell & Mike Main
The guide covers the city of Gaborone, surrounding villages and much of Southeast Botswana. Places to visit have been carefully chosen for their historical or natural interest, and almost all are within easy reach of Gaborone and accessible by saloon car. Description of places, animals and traditional life are taken from the diaries of the early white travellers. There are details of prehistoric settlements, wagon-travel, missionary endeavour, tribal hunting, trading and rainmaking, and a wealth of information about life in 19th century Botswana.
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Livestock Development and Pastoral Production on Communal Rangeland in Botswana
Richard White
The author has long been interested in the cattle industry and the issues which surround it. He has also disagreed for sometime with the conventional view of ecology of the communal grazing system. He was asked to write a paper as part of the Commonwealth programme on the management and sustainable use of communal rangeland in Africa which then expanded into this book. It includes new material not found in the original paper and also covers the ecology of the rangelands which was dealt with in separate papers at the workshop “New directions in Africa Rangeland Management Policy”.

Ngatikwaleni Ikalanga
A. M. Chebanne, M. K. Rodewald, & K. W. Pahlen
A manual for writing Kalanga as spoken in Botswana written by researchers and practitioners of Kalanga. It sets forth a system of spelling, punctuation, word division, and other orthographic matters which will standardise the way in which Kalanga, as spoken in Botswana, is to be written.
99912 60 33 1

Research for Development in Botswana
Edited by R. Hitchcock, N. Parsons, & J. Taylor.
Proceedings of a National Symposium held in 1985. The book includes 15 papers covering Research for Development in the fields of Science, Economics and Social Sciences along with a further 9 which cover bibliographies.
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Settlement in Botswana
Editors R.R. Hitchcock & M.R. Smith
Proceedings of a National Symposium held in 1980 concerned with the development patterns of human settlement and resource utilization in Botswana and with the growth of what is referred to as the human or cultural landscape
99912 60 02 1

Survival through co-Operation in Naledi
Hans Feddema
The settlement which dates from 1963, exists to this day, but conditions have changed, at least with respect to housing. Some years ago Naledi was granted legal status and became part of a project of upgrading and self help housing. The Authors research in this poor area deals with informal patterns of organisation and cooperation at the towns base.
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The 19th Century Lutheran Mission in Botswana
Andrea Mignion
A short history of the Lutheran Church in Botswana during the latter half of the 19 th Century. This book covers the establishment of the Lutheran Mission and its missions in numerous places around Botswana.
99912 60 28 5

The Livingstones at Kolobeng
J. Parsons. Co published with Pula Press.
Nearly a hundred titles have appeared on David Livingstone. None highlighted the family he abandoned. None have perceived the misery and devotion of the wife who returned to him only to die on the Zambezi. No book until now has examined Livingstone's responsibility for the quarrel that arose between himself and the Afrikaners. None has credited Sechele with a statesmanship that built, at Kolobeng, the foundations of modern Botswana.
99912 12 60 17 X

The Quality of Life in Botswana: an annotated bibliography on income distribution, social indicators, social welfare and natural resources
Derek J. Hudson & Jan Isaksen
This bibliography was originally prepared to assist authors I the preparation of papers for the National Symposium on the “Quality of Life in Botswana” held in 1996. There are 585 annotated bibliographic entries and has been found useful by many.
99912 60 38 2

Barile: The peopling of Botswana
T. Mpulubusi. Edited by J. Hermans, and D. Nteta.
Various notes on interviews that took place in Kgotlas throughout the country including legends, myths, pre arrange marriages, historical sites etc.
99912 60 29 3

Botswana in the 21st Century
The Botswana Society. Edited by S. Brothers, J. Hermans, & D. Nteta.
This book is a full record of the deliberations of more than 200 people collected at a National symposium organised by the Botswana Society in 1993.
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Ditswammung; the Archaeology of Botswana
Edited by Paul Lane, Andrew Reid, & Alinah Segobye.
Proceedings of a National symposium held in 1996 at the University of Botswana by the Department of History. 15 individual papers by archaeologists are included all of whom have worked extensively in Botswana. The book is designed for a broad spectrum of readers and as a source for enthusiasts seeking up to date information on the subject.

History and Evolution of the Fauna Conservation Laws of Botswana
Clive Spinage
Dr Spinage has, in this review of the history of the fauna conservation laws of this country, amply demonstrated that for Batswana, conservation of the faunal resources in Botswana did not start because of today's world opinion. It started a long time ago.
99912 60 09

Man of Mafeking
Elizabeth Main
This is the story of Sir Hamilton Goold-Adams, who served 25 tough years in the 19 th century Southern Africa, primarily as a key figure in the Bechuanaland Border Police seconded from the Royal Scots, but also as negotiator, topographer, civil servant and advisor for the British Government. His daughter, Elizabeth Main, who was only two when he died, tells his story. Through years of painstaking research in the U.K. and Botswana, however, she has bought the man back to life.
9912 60 15 3

Poverty and Plenty; the Botswana Experience
Edited by D. Nteta, J. Hermans, & P. Jeskova.
Proceedings of a National Symposium in 1996 which offered 48 proposals on the area of Poverty and Plenty. They were a conclusion of a wide spectrum of people ranging from experts to administrators, and from politicians to the poor. The overall message though was: we must change our attitudes and act now; we must commit ourselves to right "a policy failure that degrades people".
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Seretse Khama
N. Parsons, W. Henderson & T. Tlou
This book offers a uniquely detailed insight into the life and times of Sir Seretse Khama – throwing new light on the history of Botswana, on the societies of Southern Africa and on British politics in the era of decolonisation.
99912 60 31 5

Some Flowering Plants of South Eastern Botswana
Described by L. Turton. Illustrated by V. Blomberg-Ermatinger.
Paintings of 123 different flowers, representing 36 families (about one third of those known to occur in Botswana) and more than a hundred genera are reproduced in this book. Every one of these flowers can be found within a few kilometres of the centre of Gaborone, the capital of Botswana.
99912 60 01 3

Sustainable Wildlife Utilisation; The role of Wildlife Management Areas
Kalahari Conservation Society.
Proceedings of a workshop organised by the Kalahari Conservation Society in conjunction with the department of Wildlife and National Parks in 1988. The workshop was set up to debate the fact that wildlife is a valuable, renewable resource to Botswana which can provide sustainable benefits to the Batswana.

The Ethno-Biology of the !ko Bushmen
H.J. Heinz & B. Maguire
This book covers a survey made in the 1960s by a botanist and an anthropologist. It covers plants found in the Central Kalahari Desert and out lines the Bushmen's knowledge of plant physiology, taxonomy and recognition along with their ecological knowledge.
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The Oral History of the Bakalanga of Botswana
Catrien Van Waarden
A brief history of the three main groups of Bakalanga now living in Botswana: Balilima, Banyai and assimilated groups.

Tourism in Botswana
Edited by L. Pfotenhauer
Proceedings of a National Symposium held in 1990. 28 papers describe and discuss Botswana's tourism position, its policy, the impact of tourism on Botswana and other African countries, the problems of the industry, how to develop tourism further and the way forward.
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Bayeyi and Hambukushu ~ Tales from the Okavango
Thomas J. Larson. Illustrations by Michele Olry.
These folk tales have been collected directly from the people themselves in the Okavango delta over the last 40 years. They are now published to put on record oral history that is fast disappearing. They are cautionary tales with the theme “Crime doesn't pay” and “There is final Justice” and involve hungry and selfish giant cannibals, bird magicians, cunning and stupid animals and incredible events.
99912 60 25 9

Botswana: The Road to Independence
P. Fawcus & A. Tilbury. Co-published by The Botswana Society & Pula Press.
This book describes the political, constitutional, administrative and economic developments of the final decade of the Bechunaland Protectorate. A detailed account is given of the process by which British officials and Batswana leaders came to know each other, explore the way forward, and work together to lay a solid foundation for the independent Republic of Botswana which came into existence in 1966
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Geomorphology of Botswana: an Annotated Bibliography
Paul A. Shaw & David Nash
Various articles which have geomorphology as their major theme, or which make a major or sometimes unique contribution to the subject.
999 12 60 37 4

Kalanga; Retrospect and Prospect
Edited by C. Can Waardan.
Various articles collated on the Kalanga language and culture, historic continuities, recent developments and linguistic problems presented at a conference on the subject in 1989.
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Monarch of All I Survey
Sir Charles Ray. Edited by N. Parsons & M. Crowder.
The dashing colloquial style of these diaries “Out of Africa” bring back to life one of the British Empire's most extraordinary pro-consuls. Neil Parsons and Michael Crowder have skilfully presented not only his engaging humour and frankness but also his serious continuing struggle against Whitehall neglect.
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Pre-Colonial Botswana: An Annotated Bibliography and Guide
Barry Morton
All respectable history begins with good bibliography. This guide to the sources on pre-colonial Botswana has been compiled with the aim of easing the pain of both researchers and the public finding relevant materials on the period. At present there are few good bibliographies on Botswana and this book aims to close a needed gap.
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Setswana – Animals and Plants
Desmond T. Cole
A list of Setswana names of animals and plants representing more than 2 years field work by the Author in the Okavango Delta and in the vicinities of Serowe, Molepolole, Mochudi, Gaborone, Kanye and Tsabong. The material is presented in five sections, devoted to mammals, birds, reptiles, insects and plants, each having a Setswana – English and an English – Setswana section.
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Speaking for the Bushmen
Edited by A.J.G.M. Sanders.
A collection of papers read at the 13 th international congress of Anthropological and Ethnological Sciences, Mexico in 1993.
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Symposium on Drought in Botswana
Edited by M. Hinchey
Proceedings of a National Symposium in 1978 on “drought in Botswana”. The symposium represented collaborations among institutes in Africa, the USA, Europe, the UK and Australia. It was concerned with planning for and responding to drought
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The Kalahari Ethnographies (1896 – 1898) of Seigfried Passarge
Edited by Edwin N. Wilmsen.
This book is a translation from German of Passarge's extensive papers first published in Germany in 1906. Passarge was a German Geologist employed by British West Charterland Ltd between 1896 and 1898 and travelled extensively in Ngamiland. He presents a picture of Ngamiland in the last years of the 19th Century and in particular a different view of the lifestyle of the Bushmen to that held by many historians.
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The Prehistory and Archaeology of Botswana: an annotated bibliography
Catrien Van Waarden
This annotated bibliography of the Archaeology of Botswana contains some 950 entries and is an important reference work for all involved in this field.
99912 60 41 2