What We Do

We publish an annual journal, Botswana Notes & Records. We are now in our 50th year of production, and our journal is disseminated worldwide. We have also published more than 40 books about Botswana.
Public Forum Quarterly Series

Our Public Forum Series takes issues of national importance and brings experts to raise awareness and encourage discussion. Such topics as "The Future of Water", "Human Trafficking", and "Aiding the Girl Child" have been drawing press coverage and large, enthusiastic audiences.
To learn more about these events, please click the learn more button below.
Archaeological Tourism Project at Makolontwane

In Botswana, many archaeological heritage sites have been identified. The Botswana Society, together with the National Museum of Botswana, has selected one of these sites, known as Makolontwane, to develop as a tourist destination. Nearby residents of Moshana village are a vital part of this project.
Makolontwane is an extensive cluster of stone-wall settlements that briefly served as a capital of Kgosi Moleta, who ruled as the chief of the Ngwaketse people from about 1770-1790.
At Makolontwane, the Botswana Society is responsible for mapping sites, designing trails, creating interpretative signs, and carrying out initial excavations to obtain artifacts (pottery, jewelry, figurines, bones, beads, etc.) to illustrate the lifestyle of Kgosi Moleta’s people. Local youth will be trained as guides to receive visitors once the area is open to the public.
Getting to Makolontwane: Contact the Botswana Society if you would like to arrange a visit for a small group. Makolontwane is located a few miles west of Kanye. The turnoff to nearby Moshana Village on the Kalahari road is well marked, and a tar road leads to the village headquarters (kgotla). In addition to the exciting stone wall structures, the area has a variety of vegetation, wildlife, and picturesque rocky outcrops.